
TMT Marine

TMT Marine is a thermally treated American hard maple for marine applications. It is a marine wood substitute for teak processed in Indiana, USA.

A sustainable deck

TMT Marine deck is one of the most sustainable decking options on the market. The wood used is straight-grained, quarter-sawed, and resembles weathered teak.
Extensive tests have shown that the wood is dimensionally stable and durable and provides a non-slip surface.
The decks are made from thermally modified lumber, ensuring high-performance material.

Renewable wood

When you choose a deck made from TMT Marine, a new tree is planted for every tree that’s been used, ensuring sustainable practices.

Exclusive properties

Thermal-modified lumber holds several benefits. Apart from being a sustainable and chemically-free process, it also increases the wood’s durability and stability.
The wood gets a natural finish, displaying the beauty of the material.


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